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Is ADC the Strongest Role in League of Legends Right Now?

Bogdan Lashchenko
Is ADC the Strongest Role in League of Legends Right Now?

For many years now, ADC (AD Carry) was a position that was hard to play and not that rewarding. It even became a meme at some point in 2019, that playing ADC in this and this year is impossible, due to many buffs to assassins and burst mages all over the board. However, for a few months now ADCs seem to be in a fairly good spot with a variety of picks viable to play with, not only limited to ADC champions but also mages or even bruisers with supports like Senna getting some love.

MSI 2023 is currently taking place and will determine the mid-season champions of the professional LoLesport scene. There are a lot of teams that qualified for the event, with all still fighting for the glory of winning this year's MSI. There are also plenty of places where you can bet not only on the outcomes of the matches but also exact scores, number of games played, or even every player’s performance. If you want to get some more money to bet on MSI 2023 you might want to try out bitcoin slots and other games to earn some funds for your tournament predictions.

League of Legends 2023 ADC Meta

The current meta for League of Legends is quite stable for now with MSI being played on patch 13.8 and there are a few picks worth mentioning. Jinx is stomping through solo Q as well as the pro scene with their range advantage over other champions, but the two ways of playing her are quite different from one another.

In the professional scene you will have the whole team playing around you, peeling you, giving you resources, turret plates, bounties and farms. In solo queue you need to adapt and get these resources on your own, as well as play more defensively, because if you make a mistake as an ADC then you will most likely get very punished for it and that might cost you your life or even the entire game if its late enough.

Other champions in meta include Ezreal, Aphelios, Xayah, Lucian, and Kai’Sa. These are all different champions, but they are strong in their own ways. Aphelios is another champion that works best on a competitive level, and he is a high-priority pick in e-sports leagues, including this year's MSI tournament. It is the second-most-picked ADC in the entire game, falling barely to Jinx. Lucian is frequently banned in these games, because of his strong synergy with Nami on the bottom lane. Xayah is left as the particularly good pick if Jinx or Aphelios are taken off the board, and she also pairs perfectly with Rakan who has amazing engagement, especially in the pro scene.

Ezreal is like his own island, with a unique playstyle that can be both aggressive and defensive if needed. He has a built-in flash on his E with a 20-second cooldown that can be shortened if you frequently hit your Q. His damage is mixed, because he deals lots of magic damage in addition to his normal physical damage, and most of his damage comes from skill shot and not auto attacks. However, if you miss a lot of skill shots you will lose a lot of damage which is much harder with other ADCs that rely on auto attacking which is point-and-click.

Future of ADC in League of Legends

With mid-season patch 13.10 on the horizon in just a couple of days all that can shift. As of the moment of writing this article, ADCs are very much playable and finally in the meta. Let’s hope it will stay that way. However, in the upcoming update to the game, there will be a lot of item changes, mainly to all of the items that you would normally build on an ADC role. As a result, many League of Legends betting sites claim that there may be significant changes in meta and selection.

All the mythic items are getting changed from now on your mythic items like Immortal Shieldbow and Kraken will be legendary items, and Infinity Edge, Guinsoo and Navori Quickblade will become the new mythic items. It is unclear what exactly will happen to the Galeforce, but if there is no information on that, we can assume it will remain unchanged.

In addition to that several item abilities are getting changed like Bloodthirster’s for example which now will grant you increasing AD if you are above half of your max health. There will also be some items returning like Statik Shiv that was previously removed from the games a couple of years ago.

There is potential for a lot of new builds with many AD Carrys’ getting AP scaling on their abilities. It is important because a lot of new and changed items will scale greatly with AP and will deal on-hit magic damage instead of physical. It means that you might be able to do a hybrid build or even a full AP build on some ADCs and away with it.

As of right now ADCs are very much one of the strongest roles in the game, but everything might change in the upcoming weeks. They can become even more powerful with all the item changes or be outshined with other class getting some love in that same patch as assassins which counter AD Carry picks quite well.

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Bogdan Lashchenko

Bogdan Lashchenko – content manager at EgamersWorld.Bogdan has been working at EGamersWorld since 2023. Joining the company, he began fillin the site with information, news and events.


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